Sunday, February 17, 2008

Tater Tot being cute at Grease Park

Went to Grease Park after a show at the Khameleon in Kent on Friday. It was a very cool show.... there was a guy there, who's name I sadly forget, but he was a beat boxer, who sang and beatboxed at the same time. I literally had my jaw hanging open for most of the time he performed. I have no clue how he does that and doesn't hurt himself. It was awesome. (Or, in rap people-speak "It was ill.") LoL Guy's name is "Amotions" Here's a video of him performing from MySpace -

Tater Tot's buddy Dibs was also very good. (You can check him out on Myspace here) She recommends you listen to the song "Mingle." Trust me.... everytime there is a CD anywhere in range with this on it, I have had to listen to it. Oi vey....

These guys come up to Cleveland (Beachland Ballroom, Symposium in Lakewood) every now and then, so even you Cleveland-bound people can check them out.

On a side note, have I mentioned lately that freaking lip rings can be distracting? hmph... so wrong, so wrong.

That's all I am saying.



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